Event Offset 2.095 tonnes CO2
It all starts with regional campaigns — the local fundraising drives that fuel the university’s overall campaign. The Florida Tomorrow campaign’s success, in large part, depends on each region’s ability to recruit philanthropists to support UF’s mission.
April 22, 2010 to April 23, 2010
Location: St. Petersburg, Florida
Country: United States
Carbon Source:
Venue / Renaissance Vinoy: 0.05 tCO2
Lodging / Renaissance Vinoy: 0.40 tCO2
Ground Transportation: 0.27 tCO2
Air Travel: 1.37 tCO2
Emissions Data Certified by:
ICBE, Inc.
6651 NW 23rd Ave
Gainesville, FL 32606-8400, US
Jul 1, 2008 to Jun 30, 2013
Location: North-Central Florida
Country: United States
Carbon Sink:
Sink Type: Energy Efficient Technology
Sink Variant: Compact Fluorescent Lighting
Sink GHG Rate: 90 kg/unit/yr
Sink Reduction Rate: 1,220 tCO2/yr
Emission Reductions Created by:
Earth Givers, Inc.
408 West University Avenue, Suite 408
Gainesville, FL 32601, US